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Introduction to Unix Workshop: 3 August 2021

The Division of Information Technology (DIT) at the University of Maryland is pleased to announce the following workshop for users of our High Performance Computing (HPC) resources.

Introduction to Unix Workshop
Dates3 August 2021
Times2:00 - 5:00 PM
LocationDue to social distancing requirements, this will be held as a Zoom webinar. Zoom contact information will be provided to registered attendees closer to the date of the event.
InstructorDr. Franz Klein
Division of Information Technology, UMD
Registration Formlink to registration form
2 August 2021
or when registration is full

Register Here


This afternoon workshop is targeted at users of the Deepthought2 and/or Juggernaut clusters with limited experience in Linux/Unix. This course will briefly cover:

While shell scripting is not real programming, many practical tasks can be accomplished using shell scripts. Worked-out examples can be used as templates for similar projects.


None. This is an introductory workshop and is targeted at new users to Linux/Unix.

System Requirements

As this webinar will be offered via Zoom, you are assumed to have a system (preferably a laptop or desktop) with Zoom installed. You will likely also want to either open an interactive terminal on Deepthought2 or Juggernaut or use the file explorer and editor of the OnDemand portal.

Miscellaneous Details

Register Here

While the registration deadline is 2 August 2021, we are currently limiting this workshop to 25 participants on a first-come, first-served basis, and registration will close once the workshop is full. A limited number of participants will allow for more detailed discussions of questions and coding help.

NOTE: DIT reserves the right to cancel the workshop for any reason with little notice --- if the workshop is cancelled by DIT any and all registration fees will be refunded.

If you have questions or need more information about the workshop, please feel free to contact us.

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